
This page contains links to the exercises that we have developed over the years of working with Composer.

The exercises are sorted by level, and in many cases, exercises on similar topics have been adapted to multiple levels.

Each exercise subpage contains the following:

  • A brief description of the exercise
  • A .pdf file containing the exercise
  • Any relevant Composer flow files

We do not provide solutions online, but solutions can be made available to education professionals upon request.

Any questions or comments can be directed to Carrie at cweidner-at-phys.au.dk. Please also report any errors or typos you find in the following exercises.

In many cases, we use the Lachaise LaTeX template to format the exercises. This template can be found here. The TeX files for the exercise descriptions are available upon request, and we have also uploaded an exercise template (using the Lachaise template) that can be found in the zip file here.