Download Quantum Composer

Quantum Composer is currently available as a free download for Windows, Mac OS X and Linux

Note that the current Mac versions of Composer do not work well on newer versions of OSX. If the Mac version of Composer does not work for you, you can try to install Wine. If this still does not work, you can try to install VMWare, which is a cloud-based emulator that is often available for free through academic institutions. Newer Macs can get this to work using VMWare Fusion 12. Other software like Parallels or Bootcamp may also work. We do note that this requires a licensed Windows installation.

We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused!

Want to test a beta version of Composer?

This version includes bugfixes, new node features, and more plotting flexibility. You can also save plots that were created in loops, and there's in general more flexibility with saving data to .csv files for plotting with external tools. Sounds good, right? The downside is that this version might contain unsquashed bugs!

If you decide to be a Composer pioneer and work with this new and improved version, please send bug reports and feedback to cweidner -at- When sending a bug report, please write down what OS you are running, what you were doing when the bug appeared, and if possible, attach your flowfile to the email.

Happy Composing!

Supported versions:

Mac OS X 10.9 to 10.13

NB: You can download Composer for Windows and run it with Wine on versions that are not supported.

Supported versions:

Windows 7

Windows 8

Windows 8.1

Windows 10

Supported versions:

Ubuntu 16.04 LTS

NB: You can download Composer for Windows and run it with Wine on other Linux distributions and other Ubuntu versions.