Time Dimension

Similar to the spatial dimension, the time-dimension must be discretized for the computer to work with it. 


  • dt: Scalar - The time step size. Lower step size means higher precision, but it is more computationally expensive.
  • T: Scalar - The total time. The number of steps corresponds to $\frac{T}{dt}$.


  • t: Time


Unlike many other nodes, this node does not change its output based on its input nodes, but purely based on internal mechanics. These mechanics are very simple: if the start-button is pressed, the node will update its output with a speed given by the refresh-rate input. Each time a step is taken, it will add the dt-input to the current value of t. If t hits the T-input, the update automatically stops. Otherwise, the update can be stopped by pressing the stop-button, which shows up when the start-button is pressed. The reset button sets t=0.0 and stops the update. Changing the inputs into the node does not trigger a reset or something, the update will simply continue with the new information. 

  • Refresh rate - Set the update-speed of the t-output. Higher numbers make the update happen faster, small numbers mean it will update slower.
  • Start/Stop - Start/Stop updating the $t$ output.
  • Reset - Set the output $t = 0$, and stop the update loop.

